Clinical Trials //

Collaborating Across Pitt to Streamline Institutional Approval

At the University of Pittsburgh, the Clinical Trials Office (CTO) is dedicated to guiding researchers and study teams through the process of obtaining institutional approval for clinical trials.

This involves collaboration between study teams and various central offices to ensure compliance, efficiency, and alignment with institutional and federal guidelines. Below is an overview of the institutional approval process and key resources available to support your research.

Obtaining Institutional Approval

Clinical research at Pitt involves close collaboration between study teams, the CTO and other central offices. The steps for institutional approval include protocol submission, regulatory review, and final confirmation of compliance across all relevant committees. 

Pitt Offices & CTO Partnerships

OSP (The Office of Sponsored Programs)
A central office reporting to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research, is charged with assisting faculty, staff, and students in their efforts to promote and secure sponsored research funding. The OSP reviews, negotiates, endorses, and provides administrative oversight related to proposals and awards in accordance with all applicable laws, policies and regulations. The Vice Chancellor for Sponsored Programs and Research Operations serves as the designated University Officer empowered for all sponsored research activities.
Visit OSP >

Human Research Protection Office (HRPO)
HRP is centered on the belief that providing resources to the research community ensures the conduct of ethical research and the protection of individuals who participate in the wide array of projects available across campus. HRP staff assist teams in navigating the complex regulatory landscape.
Visit HRPO >

OIE (Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
The University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) supports innovation, entrepreneurship, and industry partnerships. Its programs help transform research into products, develop student entrepreneurs, and support startups and businesses
Visit OIE >

OSPARS ​​(Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Support)
The central point of coordination for sponsored programs and clinical trials. It is UPMC’s authorized representative for grants, contracts, and other agreements from external sponsors.

OSPARS is responsible for fiscal approval of Medicare Coverage Analyses (MCA) and Billing review for studies requiring hospital services and billing. Pitt CTO staff will support investigators submitting the required information to OSPARS for review and approval of MCA associated with Pitt clinical trials.
Visit OSPARS >

RAO (Research Administration Office)
The Pitt Health Sciences Research Administration Office, led by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research provides tools and services to advance faculty and student research with funding agencies, corporations, and government entities. RAO provides pre and post award research support to grants and contracts, they are also responsible for budget and institutional approvals centrally.
Visit RAO >

SPA (Sponsored Projects Accounting)
The post-award accounting (financial) functions supported by the Sponsored Projects Accounting staff include:

  • Account activation and compliance following release of record from Office of Sponsored Programs
  • Agency-approved budget setup
  • Grant/contract financial management
  • Invoicing
  • Financial reporting to sponsor
  • Payment collection
  • Final financial reporting for grants and contracts
  • Sponsored Projects Accounting reports to the University Controller within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer

CTSI (Clinical and Translational Science Institute)
CTSI-supported programs and resources extend to all six of Pitt’s schools of the health sciences.
Visit CTSI >


OnCore is a Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) that allows for a comprehensive management of all aspects of clinical trials, from data management, subject management, and study invoicing. OnCore will play an integral role in creating efficiency in both the pre-award and post-award processes for Pitt studies.

For additional guidance, refer to our quick reference guide or FAQ page on the Knowledge Base Knowledge Base – Clinical Trials Office

Need Help?

Contact CTO Concierge for help navigating and expediting study implementation.

Is Your Study Held Up?

If so, contact the relevant office based on the approval stage.
Our Study Initiation Team is available to assist with questions and troubleshooting to ensure a smooth progression through institutional approvals.

Office Links
